VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Can Mitrofan, el blog de Joan-Daniel Bezsonoff
Auteur : Mitrophane
Date de création : 05-03-2009
posté le 29-11-2009 à 00:38:05

La cançó del desembre

 Haunted heart


Aquesta versió de Jo Stafford és molt bona, com la de Frank Sinatra.   







In the night, though we're apart
There's a ghost of you within my haunted heart
Ghost of you, my lost romance
Lips that laugh, eyes that dance

Haunted heart won't let me be
Dreams repeat a sweet but lonely song to me
Dreams are dust, it's you who must belong to me
And thrill my haunted heart, be still, my haunted heart

Dreams are dust, it's you who must belong to me
And thrill my haunted heart, be still, my haunted heart.







" Tot menjant galetes amb panses, vaig escoltar Haunted heart, una de les primeres cançons de Frank Sinatra. No me'n cansava mai.  "  La presonera d'Alger p 100